MSBTE Microproject Ideas/topics for Sem-3 I scheme

MSBTE Microproject Ideas/topics for Sem-3 I scheme get for studying


22316 Object-Oriented Programming Language C++.

  1. Develop Library Management System.
  2. Develop Student Management System
  3. Develop Airline Management System
  4. Develop Basic Calculator
  5. Develop Tic Tac Toe game
  6. Develop Book store Inventory System
  7. Develop Hotel Management System

22317 Data Structures Using 'C.' 

  1.  Develop a program in c to perform some banking operations.
  2. Develop a project to convert the arithmetic expression into prefix, postfix, or infix.
  3. Develop a project for tree traversal.
  4. Develop a project with all sorting methods.
  5. Develop a project to demonstrate the use of a link list.

22318 Computer Graphics 

  1. Program to display moving car.
  2. Design digital clock.
  3. Design Analog clock.
  4. Design rotating fans.
  5. Program to design flying balloons.

22319 Database Management System

  1. Create Database for the student management system also create one ER diagram of it.
  2. Create Database for Library Management System apply different triggers on Database.
  3. Create procedure and functions according to given condition 
  4. Design normalized database for the different management systems.

223120 Digital Techniques 

  1. Build an IC tester.
  2. Build a 4bit parity generator and parity tester.
  3. Build a circuit to implement a 4-bit adder. 
  4. Build a LED flasher.
  5. Build a LED display bar.
  6. Build a circuit to test the 7-bit segment display.
  7. Design and analyze the digital arithmetic circuit.

22321 Principles of Database 

  1. Represent Different database models as a project like a hierarchical model, relational model.
  2. Create Database for the student management system.
  3. Create Database for Library Management System.
  4. Create Database for Airline Management System.
  5. Create Database for Hotel Management System.
  6. Create Database for Book store Inventory System.
  7. Create Database for Organization based using GUI tools.

22322 Data communication

  1. Write a report on Guided media.
  2. Write a report on Unguided media.
  3. Develop basic design for lab networking.
  4. Write a report on different Networking devices.
  5. Write a report on different topologies. 

22323 Digital Techniques and Microprocessor

  1. Develop a project on Burglar alarms.
  2. Develop a project on a Freezer warning buzzer.
  3. Develop a project on push-button-lock.
  4. Develop a project on the light activity burglar alarm. 
  5. Develop a project on a safety thermostat.
  6. Develop a project on an automatic watering system.